Have you seen pictures of people floating in the Dead Sea reading a book? It is an interesting experience but it is not all that intuitive. So before you take the plunge – Don’t! "Plunge" that is. There are some things you want to take into consideration to prepare for this unusual phenomenon.

It is best to avoid
shaving for a day or two before you head to the Dead Sea. Shaving inevitably irritates your skin and
causes small cuts or scrapes. Freshly shaved legs will definitely get the wow
factor when you step into the salty water.
The same is true of any cuts or wounds you may have. At the same time the Dead Sea is touted to
have medicinal and healing properties so if you can stand the pain, it might
help you heal faster.
Remove your jewelry –
salt is corrosive. If your watch is waterproof it probably is not salt proof,
so take it off and leave it in your bag. Along the same lines be very cautious
with any electrical items you bring down to the water’s edge. If you plan to take pictures make sure that
your hands are free of salty water. Take
a few hand wipes to clean up before you grab for your i-phone or camera. If salt
water does get on your items wipe them down quickly with a clean damp cloth.
Consider packing an old
swimming suit for this experience. The salt water is very hard on spandex and
elastic. The lifespan of your suit will be diminished considerably after this
adventure. And naturally make sure to wash it thoroughly as soon as you get
There really is a method
to bobbing around in the Dead Sea. After walking into the Dead Sea you need to
just ‘lay back’. This is so counter intuitive it is really hard to do, but here
is where you can learn a little bit about faith. You seriously can just gently
sit down and lift up your feet. Keep your
arms out to the side and use them to maneuver your way around.
Do obey the ‘no splash’
rule! Remember this is the saltiest body
of water in the world and you do not want to get it splashed on your face and especially
not in your eyes. This is not the place to ‘swim’. Keep your head up and out of the water. You've probably already guessed that it’s not
the place to gulp down a swig of water either.
Speaking of ‘not the
place to swim’ take heed to the notices posted about venturing too far away
from the shore. While you can float indefinitely individuals have been lost in
the vast Sea and there have been fatalities. Remember you cannot just ‘swim’
back to shore, you can only float so make sure you are not out of range as night
When you finish up your
float it won’t take you to long to dry off from evaporation. Although you may
not be wet you will still have a good amount of salt caked on your skin. Take
time to shower off soon after you finish up.
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